Sunday, November 22, 2009

Worky Work, Busy Bee

There have been a lot of changes in the Patten household since the last posting, so get comfy, this is going to be a long one. I will start outside and work my way through the house.




We have a new driveway!! I knew this had to get done before Winter, but I was NOT excited about it. It was a ton of money and I really didn't think I would even notice a difference. I was completely wrong, I am in love with the new driveway! Before, the driveway was pitted and super steep and a little scary to drive on. Now, it's a smooth as silk!

We're waiting to remodel the kitchen until after everything else is done. It feels like we just finished the Fort Collins kitchen and we aren't ready to jump into another huge project just yet. However, the old oven had to go! This beauty was installed on Friday and it's great. This is my first time having a gas stove and I like it so much better than electric. Our first meal was blueberry pancakes on the stove top griddle, yum!

The most exciting thing we did this week was put a door on the downstairs bathroom. We were functioning with only 1 bathroom, since we had already demoed the upstairs bathroom, and it didn't even have a door, not fun. But, it was well worth the wait because this door turned out to be our favorite thing in the entire house so far.
Since the washer and dryer are monsters we could no longer have a regular door that opened into the room. We thought about making it swing in the hallway, but that didn't seem right either. Our other option was to put in a pocket door, but that would have involved taking down, and then rebuilding the wall, ugh. So, we opted for a sliding door on mounted right onto the wall. LOVE IT! We bought the dutch door at a tag sale in Fort Collins years ago and never used it. I didn't even want to bring it with us when we moved because I didn't think we would ever use. Thank you Cyrus for insisting we bring it! I also painted the walls Willow Green, and Cyrus installed a new light.


Moving craftroom/guestroom is done, so we are now taking reservations! I took out the window seat and painted the walls and ceiling Vanilla Custard; a soft, buttery, calm color. The floor underneath where the window seat was, is just plywood subfloor which I painted and stenciled.

Finally, the upstairs bathroom. I did the whole floor by myself while Cyrus was at work. Although I was almost in tears in the middle of the project (mostly because I was starving and couldn't stop for lunch), I am proud of how it came out and I'm thrilled that I didn't lose any fingers using the tile saw. The room is near completion, but still needs some finishing touches. Cyrus needs to move the outlet and light switch above the vanity so we can hang the new mirror and new lights, and we need to install the baseboard, then it's another room DONE.

Next up is Cyrus' office which is the downstairs bedroom. I'm going to paint this week and I have big plans for the floor. Hopefully it comes out as good in real life as it looks in my head.

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