Thursday, November 12, 2009

Monkton - A brief tour

I've been researching who or what the town of Monkton was named after. Let's face it, it's not a very common name. I had no luck on the official town website, or any other website until just now. According to Despite the difference in spelling, Monkton probably was named for General Robert Monckton (1726-82). He was the second surviving son of John Monckton, the first Viscount Galway, and a grandson of John Manners, the second Duke of Rutland. He entered the army as an ensign at fifteen, rose steadily through the ranks, served in Flanders and Nova Scotia, and was Wolfe's second in command at Quebec in 1759. In 1761 he was appointed Royal Governor of New York, a post he held officially until 1763, although part of the time he was away from New York in command of the successful expedition against Martinique, which resulted in its surrender in 1762.

There isn't much in the town of Monkton, not even a stop light. I have driven on more dirt roads in the past month than I have in my entire life. There are lots of cows and not many people (just under 2000). The days are cold, the nights are colder and Winter hasn't even started.

We have a pond which I thought, until about 20 minutes ago, was called Monkton Pond. During my research of the name Monkton, I learned that Monkton Pond was renamed Cedar Lake just a couple years ago. I like Monkton Pond better and will continue to call it that. I still can't figure out how to get to the road on the other side of the pond, and not for lack of trying.

The general store/gas station is about 4 miles from our house. They have everything you could ever need in a pinch. Eggs, bread, milk, beer, wine...They also have a deli with tasty sandwhiches and a full pizza menu. We haven't tried the pizza yet, but one of these days we will.

There are a lot of very small, old cemetaries. When the weather is nicer I want to go on cemetary strolls. Cyrus has walked through some and says the grave stones simply say "John and his wife are burried here."
I went to the Town Hall today and registered to vote. I didn't even have to show my license or any other I.D. proving who I am. As soon as she saw my address on the form, Milly, the town clerk, did say that my husband has been in already. Small town living at it's finest.

I didn't have much hope for the library when we first drove by it. Boy, was I wrong. I love the library! Cyrus and I finally went a couple Saturday's ago. We walked from the church craft fair were we got fresh, delicious, homemade donuts. Deborah, the librarian offered us a tour, which made us laugh since the whole library is about the size of our living room. I expected old dusty books, and not very many of them. Turns out, they have a ton of books and they all look brand new. I was the first person to check mine out! They also have a ton of books on tape for long car rides and a paperback section that you can take, but don't have to return. Books can be checked out for 2 weeks, but there are no fines if they're late. We have a library card, but we don't ever need to bring it. Pretty simple! I look forward to going often and working my way through all the books.

Finally, Boyers Orchard. We went to the orchard, which is just a couple miles from our house, when my mom was here. We were offered samples of the most delicious apples, pears, grapes and juices. We bought some strawberry rhubarb jam which I haven't opened yet, but can't wait to try. But what we really went for was the apple cider donuts. Wow, were they good!! We arrived just as the dough was done rising. Perfect timing! We got to eat the fresh donuts right out of the fryer. I can't think of anything better.

Although there's not much in Monkton, I still love it. Maybe that is why I love it. The roads are windy and the hills are rolling and the views are breathtaking. Monkton feels like home. I am happy to be back home.


  1. Hi Kristin! I love your blog!
    It sounds like you are leading a charmed - small town life! Art & I are in a small town too - even though we live just outside the city (I know its not the same - but I like to pretend!)
    You have probably already seen this - but if not check out this link for the USDA aerial photo of the "pond" - hhtp:// (VT Dept of Envir. Conservation)

  2. hi, after this post, I feel that you moved to another country, not just a new state, and a country far away at that! but it sounds lovely! let me know if you find a good read at that cute library - i'm lookin for a good book (ps got the wood stove going here too)

    miss you, beth

  3. The Duke of Rutland, I love it! Doesn't he hang out near the Greyhound station these days??? Cousin Art
