Thursday, November 5, 2009

We've got a long cold winter ahead

The list of things we want/have to do to this house is daunting:
Remodel both bathrooms, paint every single room, new floors, new kitchen, install the wood stove, paint the porch, get firewood, new doors, fix the driveway...

The hardest part is figuring out where to start. My problem is that I want it all done and I want it all done right now. Obviously that can't happen, so we had to prioritize.

One of the top priorities is and making sure the house is warm before the snow starts to fall. The house has electric heat and an old gas furnace with a mind of it's own. Both will be way to expensive to run all Winter, so we're putting in a wood stove. We found a Vermont Casting's Vigilant on craigslist, so step 1 is done. Now we have to build the hearth, and cut the wood. Unfortunately the chimney needs a little work before we can install the stove, so that part is on hold at the moment. Getting wood, however, is in full gear!

Cyrus, Will and Caleb cut a bunch of trees while uncovering our gorgeous view. There are also a bunch of dead trees that had to be pulled out of the woods. Cyrus and Will had a great time doing this. They attached a big chain to the back of the truck, and wrapped the other end around the tree. Then they were able to pull the tree out with the truck!

There is a ton of wood that needs to be split. Unfortunately the farm girl in me is not very good at splitting wood. I just don't have the strength, so I think I will stick to the stacking and leave the splitting to Cyrus.

Once the chimney is fixed, we will tackle the hearth. Cyrus found plenty of flagstone in the woods that we will use for the hearth and we're using corrugated metal on the walls. I can't wait 'til it's done so I can curl up next to the warm stove with my knitting or a book!

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