Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The week of TOO MANY projects

We are in over our heads here folks...anyone want to come help paint, plumb, stack wood?! I have no idea why we are in the middle of 5000 projects at one time, but we are. Currently we are:

Still splitting and stacking wood...I know I know, we cheated. We borrowed a wood splitter from a neighbor. But, we had no choice! We got a late start this year.

Working on the hearth. Cyrus found all these great stones in the woods!! Dulcie helped by putting her footprint in the wet cement. The chimney man is coming on Friday to do the repairs and we should have a roaring fire by Saturday!!

Painting the upstairs craft room/guest bedroom Vanilla Custard and still deciding what to do with the floors.

Re-doing the upstairs bathroom. This has turned into a much bigger project than we originally anticipated. There is some funky plumbing going on and it's in the way of the new vanity. So, before I can tile or finish painting, Cyrus needs to be a plumber.

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